Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to Get a Hot, Sexy, Fit Body Fast

Want to get hot? Looking for the best way to lose fat and create a sexy, fit, great-looking body fast? Then just follow these few simple steps...

1. Get focused and motivated -- Focus all your energy on your goal of a creating a new body. Boost your motivation on a daily basis by looking at photos of great bodies, watching motivational videos, and visualizing yourself with your "ideal" body.

2. Eat a healthy, unprocessed diet -- Eat meat, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds, lots of vegetables, some raw fruit, and small amounts of unrefined oils (especially virgin olive oil and coconut oil!). Eat very little starch: breads and other grain products, potatoes, rice, corn, etc. Avoid all refined sugars, flours, and fats (especially trans fats!).

3. Eat enough... but no too much -- Eat enough calories very day to maintain high energy and fuel workouts, but not to much that you end up feeling sluggish. Control appetite and food cravings by eating small protein- and fiber-rich snacks every few hours during the day. Also drink LOTS of water and sugar-free teas all day long!

4. Do smart workouts often -- 4 to 6 days a week perform some form of smart exercise such as: full-body circuit training, heavy strength training, and high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT). Also play a sport, go hiking, or do some other form of "fun" exercise at least once or twice a week. Keep most workouts short -- 45 minutes or less -- and intense. Change up your exercise routine constantly to avoid boredom and keep your body/metabolism confused (and burning fat!).

5. Take the best supplements -- The best diet supplements for getting fit and creating a hot, sexy body are: whey protein powder, omega 3 fatty acids, multivitamins, green tea extract, and vitamin C. If muscle mass is a priority, also consider taking a nitric oxide supplement. While non of these supplements will make you drop fat and lose pounds all by themselves, they are all proven to help support healthy weight loss and lean muscle growth. Look at them as "shortcuts" to a fitter, sexier, better-looking body.

And that's how to get hot fast. Stick to these fitness basics and you'll have fit, healthy, sexy body in a matter of weeks!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bad-Ass Workout: 1-Arm Snatches and Big Box Jumps

Want to burn off your ugly fat really quickly, build functional strength/fitness, and get a great body super-fast? Then do workouts like this:

Wow. Nice job Jon Hinds!

7 Rules of Burning Fat and Getting Sexy Fast

This blog is all about burning off body fat, creating a fit body, and getting "sexy" in the fastest way possible. Most people can drop several pounds of pure fat and tone up their entire body within just a few weeks if they follow the proven "fat burning rules" below...

1. Get psyched up -- Losing fat fast and getting super-fit is 90% mental. Create a goal and think about it all the time. Tear photos of people with great-looking bodies out of magazines and post them where you'll see them throughout the day. Watch kick-ass motivational videos online. Do whatever you have to do to get and stay motivated to get fit and create your "dream" body.

2. Get your energy up -- Without high energy levels, you're screwed! Boost your energy naturally by getting lots of sleep, drinking lots of water, avoiding junk food and refined sugars, and eating a healthy diet based around natural unprocessed foods. Also consider taking a healthy energy supplement containing natural caffeine and green tea extract.

3. Train with weights -- Strength training is one of the keys to burning off your flab and creating a really fit, sexy body in a short amount of time. Do some form of strength/weight/resistance training at least 3 times a week for best results.

4. Do HIIT -- The most effective form of cardio exercise is HIIT: high intensity interval training. This ultra-efficient exercise method is great for burning fat while preserving lean muscle tissue, the ideal combination for creating a sexy body fast.

5. Eat a natural diet -- Forget about following some dumb fad diet or spending lots of time counting calories and worrying about ingredients. Just get most (at least 90%) of your weekly calories from natural, unprocessed foods and the pounds will fall off quickly and easily. Plus you'll have tons of energy and you'll feel fantastic. Base your diet around things like meats, eggs, fish, raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and healthy unrefined oils (e.g. coconut oil and virgin olive oil).

6. Cheat the right way -- You don't have to -- and really, really shouldn't -- completely avoid your favorite "fattening" foods just because you're trying to lose weight fast. By eating a couple of big "cheat" meals per week you'll reward your hard work plus you'll confuse your metabolism in a way that speeds it up and keeps it burning fat at a steady rate.

7. Use the best supplements -- Most fat-burning and muscle-building supplements are pretty much a waste of money. But there are a few really effective diet supplements that can help you create that sexy body faster. Some of the best examples include: whey protein powder, omega 3 fat supplements (e.g. fish oil), quality multivitamins, and green tea extract.

There you go: the 7 rules of burning fat fast. I'll be writing more about each one in the future... so check back soon!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hello! I'm the Fat Loss Pirate. I'm a regular guy/pirate who knows a thing or two about losing fat in a fast, healthy way. I love food. I drink (lots of) beer. I can eat a 40-ounce steak with surprising ease. Despite all that, I have a relatively lean, fit pirate body. And I only workout for about 90 minutes a week... total!

My goal here is to share some of my knowledge with the world. I see way too many overweight people out there with no real idea of how to go about losing pounds and inches in an efficient manner. If you're interested in boosting your metabolism, burning fat, losing pounds, shrinking your waist, toning your muscles, improving your health, and getting a great-looking body capable of hoisting a mainsail... you're in the right place!

I'll try to post at least once a week. Maybe more if my looting and pillaging schedule allows!

Enjoy the show...